
Suzuki - Madama Butterfly - NJ Association of Verismo Opera

Suzuki - Madama Butterfly - Teatro Lirico D’Europa

Suzuki - Madama Butterfly - Light Opera NJ

Dinah - Trouble in Tahiti - Boheme Opera NJ


Suzuki - Madama Butterfly - Teatro Lirico D’Europa


Třetí žínka - Rusalka - Opera Idaho

Suzuki - Madama Butterfly - Boheme Opera NJ

Hannah After - As One - Hawaii Performing Arts Festival (Guest Artist)


Hannah After - As One - Opera Santa Barbara

Mezzo Soloist - Opera Up Close: Mezzos and Martinis - Penn Square Music Festival (Cancelled due to COVID-19)

The Mother - Amahl and the Night Visitors - North Shore Music Festival

Jo - Little Women - Opera Santa Barbara (Cancelled due to COVID-19)


Hansel - Hansel and Gretel - Bel Cantanti Opera

Alto Soloist - Songs of Isolation and Connection - Cedar Rapids Opera

Carrie Pipperidge - Carousel - Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre (Cancelled due to COVID-19)


Sister Helen Prejean (Cover) - Dead Man Walking - Opera Idaho (Cancelled due to COVID-19)

Sister Lillianne - Dead Man Walking - Opera Idaho (Cancelled due to COVID-19)

Musetta (Cover) - La Bohème - Opera Idaho

Suzuki (Cover) - Madama Butterfly - Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre

Kate Pinkerton - Madama Butterfly - Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre

Ernesto - The Billy Goats Gruff - Opera Idaho

Acis and Galatea - Opera Idaho

Javotte - Manon - Opera Idaho


Jenny - Threepenny Opera - Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre

Olga - Eugene Onegin - Opera Santa Barbara

Veronique - Le Docteur Miracle - Opera Santa Barbara

Elizabeth Proctor (Cover) - The Crucible - Opera Santa Barbara

Rebecca Nurse - The Crucible - Opera Santa Barbara

Musetta (Cover) - La Bohème - Opera Santa Barbara

Meg Brockie - Brigadoon - Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre


Lady in Waiting - Turandot - Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre

Flora (Study Cover) - La Traviata - Sarasota Opera

Kylie K - Cosmic Ray and the Amazing Chris (Lindsay) - Thompson Street Opera (premiere)


Lucrezia - Lucrezia - Chicago Fringe Opera

Alto Soloist (Cover) - Beethoven's 9th Symphony - Chicago Sinfonietta and Combined Choirs

Isabelle Eberhardt (Cover) - Song from the Uproar - Chicago Fringe Opera

Leading Lady - Old Capitol Opera


Ottavia - L'incoronazione di Poppea - Chicago College of Performing Arts

Suzette - Bluebeard's Waiting Room - Chicago College of Performing Arts

The Wife - The Women - Chicago College of Performing Arts